Unity 3D Game Engine – Materials – Fade Between 2 Base Colors

1. MAIN TOP MENU> Gameobject> Create Other> Cube

2. Hierarchy, select the Cube> Inspector> materal slot, select Shader: Diffuse

NOTICE: the script will fade between ‘Shader> ‘Main Color’ values, you HAVE TO REMOVE all textures if you want to see ‘Main Color’!

3. Add to the Cube Fade.JS

#pragma strict

	// Fade the color from red to green
	// back and forth over the defined duration
	var colorStart : Color = Color.red;
	var colorEnd : Color = Color.green;
	var duration : float = 1.0;

function Start () {


	function Update () {
		var lerp : float = Mathf.PingPong (Time.time, duration) / duration;
		renderer.material.color = Color.Lerp (colorStart, colorEnd, lerp);

4. Done!