Unity 3D Game Engine – Stealth Game – Double Doors – JS

Load prefab:
-> (parent) ‘door_exit_outer’
|Animator – Closed animation, Open animation inside are inside fbx file
|Sphere Collider – check ‘Is Trigger’ (to check player position)
|DoubleDoorAnimator – uncheck Apply Root Motion – parameter bool: open – transitions: open->close close->open
|Audio Source Component (doorSwishClip + accessDeniedClip), uncheck ‘Play on Awake’

–> (child) ‘door_exit_outer_left_001’
|Mesh Renderer, check ‘Use Light Probes’
|Box Collider (to block the player penetration)
|Rigid Body, uncheck ‘Use Gravity’, check ‘Is Kinematic’ (to block the player penetration)

–> (child) ‘door_exit_outer_right_001’
|Mesh Renderer, check ‘Use Light Probes’
|Box Collider (to block the player penetration)
|Rigid Body, uncheck ‘Use Gravity’, check ‘Is Kinematic’ (to block the player penetration)


#pragma strict

public var requireKey : boolean;                    // Whether or not a key is required.
public var doorSwishClip : AudioClip;               // Clip to play when the doors open or close.
public var accessDeniedClip : AudioClip;            // Clip to play when the player doesn't have the key for the door.

private var anim : Animator;                        // Reference to the animator component.
private var hash : HashIDs;                         // Reference to the HashIDs script.
private var player : GameObject;                    // Reference to the player GameObject.
private var playerInventory : PlayerInventory;      // Reference to the PlayerInventory script.
private var count : int;                            // The number of colliders present that should open the doors.

function Awake ()
    // Setting up the references.
    anim = GetComponent(Animator);
    hash = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(Tags.gameController).GetComponent(HashIDs);
    player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(Tags.player);
    playerInventory = player.GetComponent(PlayerInventory);

function OnTriggerEnter (other : Collider)
    // If the triggering gameobject is the player...
    if(other.gameObject == player)
        // ... if this door requires a key...
            // ... if the player has the key...
                // ... increase the count of triggering objects.
                // If the player doesn't have the key play the access denied audio clip.
                audio.clip = accessDeniedClip;
            // If the door doesn't require a key, increase the count of triggering objects.
    // If the triggering gameobject is an enemy...
    else if(other.gameObject.tag == Tags.enemy)
        // ... if the triggering collider is a capsule collider...
        if(typeof(other) == CapsuleCollider)
            // ... increase the count of triggering objects.

function OnTriggerExit (other : Collider)
    // If the leaving gameobject is the player or an enemy and the collider is a capsule collider...
    if(other.gameObject == player || (other.gameObject.tag == Tags.enemy && typeof(other) == CapsuleCollider))
        // decrease the count of triggering objects.
        count = Mathf.Max(0, count-1);

function Update ()
    // Set the open parameter.
    anim.SetBool(hash.openBool,count > 0);
    // If the door is opening or closing...
    if(anim.IsInTransition(0) && !audio.isPlaying)
        // ... play the door swish audio clip.
        audio.clip = doorSwishClip;

Inspector> DRAG AND DROP> variables:
– Door Swish Clip (Audio Clip)
– Access Denied Clip (Audio Clip)
– check ‘Require Key’, you will open this door only with a key