Videogames Development – Unity – Debug.Log

Logs message to the Unity Console.


// Message with a link to an object.
Debug.Log ("Hello", gameObject);

// Message using rich text.
Debug.Log("<color=red>Fatal error:</color> AssetBundle not found");


MAIN TOP MENU> ASSETS> CREATE> Javascript, type the name ‘GetMousePosition’

Assets> GetMousePosition> Inspector> ‘Open…’ button


#pragma strict

function Start () {


function Update () {
	var mouse = Input.mousePosition;

Create an Object inside the Hierarchy ‘MyObject’

Assets> DRAG AND DROP ‘GetMousePosition’ script over Hierarchy> MyObject

Play> move the mouse, look at the BOTTOM OF THE SCREEN, you will see the coordinates as: (536.0, 583.0, 0.0)