Unity – Scripting – OnGUI – Label

Videogames Development – Unity – Code GUI Objects – Label (Etichette non interattive)

Labels have no user interaction, do not catch mouse clicks and are always rendered in normal style. If you want to make a control that responds visually to user input, use a Box control.

Text Label

1. Assign the script to the Camera:

#pragma strict
function OnGUI () {
		GUI.Label (Rect (10, 10, 100, 20), "Hello World!");

GUI.Label (Rect (10, 10, 100, 20), “Hello World!”);
GUI.Label (Rect (x, y, x, y), “text content”);

Image Label

1. Assign the script to the Camera:

#pragma strict
    // Texture Label START       
	var textureToDisplay : Texture2D;
	function OnGUI () {
		GUI.Label (Rect (10, 40, textureToDisplay.width, textureToDisplay.height), textureToDisplay);
	// Texture Label END  

2. Select the Camera> ‘Inspector’> Script> DRAG AND DROP a texture from ‘Assets’ to Script> ‘textureToDisplay’ variable.

3. Play and enjoy!

GUI.Label (Rect (10, 40, textureToDisplay.width, textureToDisplay.height),textureToDisplay);
GUI.Label (Rectangle (x, y, x, y),textureToDisplay);