Hummingbird G++ Game Framework

Unity JS/CS Framework for videogames developers
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Hummingbird G++ Game Framework is the ideal tool for companies and agencies that want to produce video games.

It contains 10,000+ lines of code ready to copy and paste. Inside there are also 16 ready to use mini-games


- 10.000+ lines of code
- Unity FREE / Unity PRO support
- 16 minigames included
- Benckmark scenes
- Buttons Animations
- Cameras Management
- Character Controllers
- Fonts Management
- Lights
- 100+ Particles presets
- Physic Materials
- Arcade SFX
- User Interface
- Android Specific
- Animation Kinematic
- Animation Physic
- Array 1D / 2D / Multidimensional / Grid / Lists / Shuffle
- Advanced Audio / Multiple audio sources / Countdown / Footsteps
- Cameras 2D Platform /3D Platform / Facing Billboard / Follow Player Fixed / Mouse Orbit / Swap Position...
- Inventory System
- Materials Fade / Texture Scale / Transparency / Mover / Switch
- OnCollision OnTrigger
- Particle set Color / Speed / Size / Gravity
- Responsive / Adaptive
- Save Data / Manage Levels
- Function Counter / Countdowns / Delay / Repeat
- Get OS / Get Screenshot
- User Input Touch / Keyboard / Joystick / Mouse
- WWW support get Audio / Images / URL
- Splash Screens
- Server Side Save Data PHP/MySQL
- UN Network
- PUN Network
- others others others...