Luce Digitale/JQ Sunny Slideshow – Basic



Today I code a funny little slideshow in only 9 lines of code.
Last night I start studying some sample code on the web, this is the simplest solution in my opinion:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- Luce Digitale/JQ Sunny Slide START (Only 9 little lines of code)                        -->
<!-- Author: Andrea Tonin -                                     -->
<!-- This code come with absolutely no warranty                                              -->
<!-- If you use this code in your project please give a link to -->
<!-- Thanks in advance                                                                       -->  
<title>Luce Digitale/JQ Sunny Slideshow</title>
<style type="text/css"> 
/* slideshow container style START */
.slideshow{width:800px; height:450px; /* same images width height */
          margin:0 auto;
		  border:3px solid #CECECE;
		  background: url(css/images-gimme-code-2013-0026/slide-loader.gif) no-repeat 50% 50%; /* A simple gif preloader */
/* slideshow container style END */

/* slideshow content setup START */
.slideshow img{position: absolute; margin:0; padding:0;} /* All images in the same position */
.slideshow img{width:800px; height:450px;} /* same slideshow container width height */
/* slideshow content setup END */
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-2.0.3.js"></script>
// Luce Digitale/JQ Sunny Slide START (Only 9 little lines of code) 
$(function JQSunnySlideFading(){
    $('.slideshow').css("background","white"); // hide the preloader
    $('.slideshow img:gt(0)').hide();          // hide all images
    setInterval(function(){                    // setInterval repeat the execution of the function each xxx milliseconds
      $('.slideshow :first-child').fadeOut()   // fade out the first image
         .next('img').fadeIn()                 // fade in the next image
         .end().appendTo('.slideshow');},      // reset jQuery's internal reference
      3000);                                   // launches a function each 3000 milliseconds
// Luce Digitale/JQ Sunny Slide END

<!-- Slideshow START -->
<!-- If JQuery do not work you see only the first image "slide-800x450-1.jpg" -->
<div class="slideshow">
<img src="css/images-gimme-code-2013-0026/slide-800x450-1.jpg" />
<img src="css/images-gimme-code-2013-0026/slide-800x450-2.jpg" />
<img src="css/images-gimme-code-2013-0026/slide-800x450-3.jpg" />
<img src="css/images-gimme-code-2013-0026/slide-800x450-4.jpg" />
<!-- Slideshow END -->


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