JavaScript – Operators – Arithmetic – Assignment

Arithmetic operators are used to perform arithmetic between variables and/or values.
Assignment operators are used to assign values to JavaScript variables.

The code:

<!DOCTYPE html>

<p>Click the button to calculate x.</p>
<button onclick="myFunction()">Try it</button>

<p id="demo"></p>

function myFunction()

// Arithmetic Operators with numbers
addition=a+b;        // result 6
subtraction=a-b;     // result 2
multiplication=a*b;  // result 8
division=a/b;        // result 2


increment=++a;       // result increment=5 a=5
increment2=a++;      // result increment=4 a=5

decrement=--a;       // result decrement=3 a=3
decrement2=a--;      // result decrement=4 a=3

// Arithmetic Operators with letters
txt2=" World!";      // notice the space before the word
txt3=txt1+txt2;      // result "Hello World!"

// Assignment Operators
x=y;                 // result x=y 
x+=y;                // result x=x+y 
x-=y;                // result x=x-y 
x*=y;                // result x=x*y 
x/=y;                // result x=x/y 
x%=y;                // result x=x%y 

// Arithmetic Operators with letters and numbers
x=5+5;              // result 10
y="5"+5;            // result 55 -> IT IS A STRING!
z="Hello"+5;        // result "Hello5!"

// Render the first example


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