JavaScript – Operators – Arithmetic – Assignment

Comparison and Logical operators are used to determine equality or difference between variables or values. The final result is true or false.
Conditional Operators assign a value to a variable based on some condition.

The code:

<!DOCTYPE html>

<p>Given that x=5 y=10, return the value of the comparison:</p>
<button onclick="myFunction()">Return the value of x==y</button>

<p id="demo"></p>

function myFunction()
var x=5;
var y=10;
var z=x==y; // the variable store - false -
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML=z; // render the result - false -


Complete list:

<!DOCTYPE html>

var x=5;     // number
var y=10;    // number
var z="5";   // string

// Comparison Operators

var a=x==y;  // equal value              -> result false
var a=x==z;  // equal value              -> result true
var a=x===z; // equal value and type     -> result false

var a=x!=y;  // not equal value          -> result false
var a=x!==y; // not equal value and type -> result false
var a=x!==z; // not equal value and type -> result true

var a=x>y;   // greater than             -> result false
var a=x<y;   // less than                -> result true
var a=x>=y;  // greater than or equal to -> result false
var a=x<=y;  // less than or equal to    -> result true

// Logical Operators

if (x < 10 && y > 1)... you want to do ... -> and (true se entrambe le condizioni vere)
if (x < 10 || y > 1)... you want to do ... -> or  (true se una delle condizioni è vera)
if !(x==y)          ... you want to do ... -> not (true se entrambe le condizioni sono false)


Conditional Operators:

<!DOCTYPE html>

<p>Click the button to check the age.</p>

Age:<input id="age" value="18" />
<p>Old enough to vote?</p>
<button onclick="myFunction()">Try it</button>

<p id="demo"></p>

function myFunction()
var age,voteable;
voteable=(age<18)?"Too young":"Old enough";



voteable=(age<18)?"Too young":"Old enough";



If the condition is true the variable stores value1
If the condition is false the variable stores value2

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